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replica hermes Inside Europe’s only ‘prepper’ shop: What survivalists are buying to protect themselves from the end of the worldA group of survival experts in the UK are preparing to survive the downfall of civilization this is how they’re doing it14:14, 27 OCT 2015Updated14:25, 27 OCT 2015Get daily updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailWhen it comes to surviving a nuclear apocalypse, you’re going to need some tools.That’s the view of a group known as ‘preppers’ survivalism experts and hobbyists that spend their time preparing for the end of civilisation.And preppers, like any other enthusiasts, need equipment to help them.Lincoln Miles runs Preppers Shop on a farm in Bedfordshire. He stocks knives, jackets, bags, rations and worryingly crossbows.»It’s about relying on yourself, and not relying on anyone else the government, your neighbour. Anyone but yourself,» Miles told the BBC.Although preppers genuinely eschew technology, the movement isn’t completely removed from cyberspace.Forums have sprung up online allowing preppers to share survivalist techniques and organise secret meet ups.And, just like Miles’ shop, you can now buy prepping gear online. Think of it as Amazon for the apocalypse.»Its a huge community, especially in the States.Steve Hart’s Preppers’ website is the largest survivalism website in the UKAs well as offering advice and guidance for potential preppers, Hart sells equipment through his site as well.»Prepping itself is just another form of insurance. People have life, car or pet insurance for the «what ifs» this is just looking at a «what if» from a slightly different perspective,» he told Mirror Online.»What if a serious earthquake hits? Or a tsunami or a volcano or even a bio terrorism attack,» said Steve, whose website racks up around 100,000 hits a month.»Prepping 101 If you’re thinking of getting into prepping, these are a few of the terms you need to understand.BOB Bug Out Bag. This is your emergency bag that should always be packed with essentials like a knife, water purification tablets and a sleeping bag.SHTF St Hits The Fan. This is the situation in which you need to grab your BOB be it a nuclear explosion, earthquake or zombie apocalypse. replica hermes
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