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Want to know how big a population of wild animals is without


my part in his downfall literature

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Replica Bags In a sense these ideas are based on the old «mark and recapture» technique, one of the first things young ecology students are taught about field research. The idea is so simple that it makes you (well, it made me) want to hug yourself with delight at the sheer ingenuity of it. Want to know how big a population of wild animals is without the impossible task of counting them? Simple, catch a few, mark them in some way that doesn’t adversely affect them (for example rings on the legs of birds) but lets them be instantly recognized when seen again, and then let them go. Let some time go by, and then go out and catch some number of animals, say 100, from the population. Count how many of the 100 have your mark on them. Then the proportion of marked animals in the sample is the same as the percentage of marked animals in the total population. You know how many animals you marked and released, how many you caught, hey presto, solve an equation with three known figures and one unknown and you can calculate the total size of the population Replica Bags.
