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Replica Handbags In this version, Spider Man is Takuya Yamashiro, a young Japanese motorcycle racer who’s given blood by a 400 year old Human Alien from the planet Spider, letting him turn into Spider Man in order to defeat the Iron Cross Army in order to avenge his father. He has the basic costume and powers of the Western version (though he tends to shout attack names to use webs, and the webs and costume come from a bracelet) but little else is similar. Dengekitai) and third (Battle Fever J) Super Sentai shows and has many similarities to that franchise: Spider Man has a car called the Spider Machine GP 7 and a Humongous Mecha named Leopardon (presumably designed for another main character that never came to be), and the series follows the familiar formula of a single organization sending out a Monster of the Week which gets defeated, then grows to giant size, and is defeated by the hero in the robot. Dengekitai) didn’t have giant robots. Replica Handbags
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